MIDI Tapper Beta 70 - New Feature: Harmonic Analysis

April 03, 2017

During the past this month, many bugs were found and fixed in MIDI Tapper, and overall performance was improved. Focus was however placed on the development of a new feature: 4-voice harmonic analysis. In summary, MIDI Tapper is now able to identify all sonorities existing in the SATB chorales written by Johann Sebastian Bach. This new feature was developed using a collection of MIDI files which will be included in a future MIDI Tapper update, along with searchable database functions.

A new chapter has been added to the documentation explaining the new analysis functions. The following diagram shows how Chord Symbols are used to identify complex sonorities.

The remaining details about this update are as follows:

Please download Beta 70 and send your feedback. Current beta license holders can login and go to the MIDI Tapper software page to download the update at no cost. New users can still try out the software for 2.99 €. The beta license remains valid through all following MIDI Tapper beta releases, and will serve as a discount coupon for purchase of the software after its official release.


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