Hunt named advisory board member of untwelve

May 07, 2010

Formerly known as MidwestMicrofest, the concert organization now called untwelve is a kindred spirit, devoted to music which goes beyond the standard 12 tones. Untwelve was founded in 2007 by Aaron Krister Johnson and Christopher Bailey. Its concert activities are primarily in the Chicago area, with some affiliated events in Champaign-Urbana through composer Jacob Barton (of udderbot and 17-tone piano project fame) and composer/guitarist Andrew Heathwaite, who have established OddMusic, an entity now thriving at the UIUC Independent Media Center. [Devoted readers of this blog (both of you) may recall a previous entry about my lending some prototypes to Oddmusic.]

During my years in Illinois since the inception of my business, I had traveled to Chicago for several untwelve events, one of which included a performance of my Invention in 7ET. At the end of 2009, I was invited by Aaron Johnson to serve as a board member with untwelve. Because the organization is seeking non-profit status, I suggested that I serve on the board only in advisory capacity, considering my commercial interests in microtonality, and this was agreed upon as the best relationship to establish. I received word today that my bio has been added to the untwelve board members page. Thanks, guys; it's good to be working with you!

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